3-D Seismic Interpretation (M. Bacon, R. Simm and T. Redshaw, Cambrige University Press, 2007, 225 pages) is a book that has long stayed on my bookshelf. Now I have finally finished reading through it, and it was very useful.
Firstly, because I started this year working with Seismic Interpretation again, and this book gives a good overview over the main techniques and processing that seismic data undergoes. From the data collection, on land or shore, to the pre-processing steps, up to the structural and geological interpretation of it.
Secondly, because it puts a lot of emphasis on visualization of seismic data, in modern 3D software environments. The book goes through some key aspects of how seismic interpretation has evolved from paper and pencil to modern 3D scenes, and the consequences it had for horizon and fault picking, for example.
Thirdly, the language and the level of details was quite right for someone, like me, that is not an expert in the field, but still wants to understand the main principles behind different steps on the seismic interpretation workflow.
If this sounds interesting to you too, you won’t regret giving this book a try.
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