Secondly, because it introduced me to a whole new world, since on my
ignorance I previously thought that marketing was equivalent to advertising.
And it is obviously not. Marketing, at least when it comes to high-tech, means
understanding the different types of users there are out there (early adopters,
pragmatists, conservatives), and how and when they end up absorbing innovation.
After going through such precious information, the book continues describing how
to proper position a new product in order to make it into mainstream.
Easier said than done, but these concepts are actually indispensable
for someone who works with innovation, and I would go further saying that it
could be really useful for all that work with new products in general and want
to contribute to making their products successful. If you neither work with
marketing nor with innovative products, this could still be an interesting
reading for getting to know how you as a consumer react towards
innovations and what the big players on this field are doing to grab your
attention. Good reading!
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